About Academy & Members

About Us

Our tutors are highly respected and internationally renowned artists, researchers and educators who will inspire and enthuse you.

We will equip you with the professional skills to fulfil your ambitions as a practising artist or to pursue careers in fields ranging from community arts to curation

أكاديمية الفنون والتراث العربي في لندن


مرحبا بكم في أكاديمية الفنون والتراث العربي في لندن, حيث التفرد في ما تقدمه الأكاديمية للجالية العربية وللمجتمع البريطاني من تعليم للفنون الجميلة وفنون التراث العربي, فإذا كنت تبحث عن التجربة المميزة في التعلم  وإمتلاك القدرة على الأبداع فإنك ستجد هذه الفرصة في إنضمامك لدورات الفن والتراث العربي التي تدعوك الأكاديمية للتسجيل فيها


نبذة عن الأكاديمية


هي مؤسسة فنية مستقلة مسجلة رسميا في بريطانيا ومقرها لندن, والأكاديمية من تأسيس وإدارة الفنان التشكيلي العراقي باسم مهدي والمخرجة العراقية زينب الجواري, والأكاديمية تأسست عام 2016 وتضم نخبة من الأسماء الفنية والمبدعين والأكاديمين العرب في مجالات الفنون الجميلة والتراث العربي الذين سيقومون بتدريس الفنون الجميلة بإختصاصاتها المختلفة في الفنون التشكيلية التي تتضمن الرسم والنحت والسيراميك والتصميم والخط العربي - المسرح - السينما - الموسيقى بالأضافة الى مايتعلق بالحرف اليدوية والتراث العربي, والأكاديمية تأسست لخدمة الجالية العربية في المهجر وخصوصاً الشباب الذين يمتلكون المواهب الفنية وبحاجة الى التطوير والتوجيه وربطهم بفنونهم العربية وتراثهم الأصيل, فالأكاديمية تأسست لتكون الأولى من نوعها في بريطانيا وأوربا كمؤسسة تشمل مجمل الاختصاصات الفنية


رسالة الأكاديمية


هي التأكيد على أهمية الفنون الجميلة فى الحياة ودورها الإيجابى فى بناء المجتمع ورفع الذائقة الجمالية، كما وتعتبر الأكاديمية ان التراث يحمل من الأهمية مايجعله من الأولويات القصوى التي التفتت اليها الشعوب مؤخراً في كل أنحاء العالم وتخليد تراثها من خلال توضيف الفنون كأداة فعالة في تدوين التراث الشعبي قصد التمسك بهويتها و ثقافتها الشعبية

وايضاً إبراز ما يميزها عن غيرها



Welcome to the Academy of Art and Arabic Heritage in London, where the uniqueness is within what would be provided to the Arab community and to the British community

When teaching Fine Arts and the Arab heritage.

If you are looking for a distinctive experience in learning and having the ability to be creative, you will find this opportunity when you join the courses of the Academy of Art and Arabic Heritage. We invite you to give yourself a chance and explore the world of Fine Art.


It is an independent institution officially registered in the UK, based in London.

The Academy is established and managed by the Iraqi fine artist Bassim Mehdi, (chairman of the Iraqi Fine Artists Association in Britain) and the Iraqi director Zainab Al-Jawari, who is the executive manager of the Academy.

he establishment of the academy was on March 20, 2016. It’s opening included a review of the academy’s project in all its departments, which aims to develop the talents of the Arab community. For example, the establishment of a special studio to prepare the actor in the field of theatre and cinema, and the establishment of an Arab choir consisting of males and females, with the aim of presenting Arab folklore, lyrical and musical performances.

The Academy has a strong selection of graduated artists and creators in the field of Fine Arts and the Arab heritage who will be teaching the different sectors of fine art, which includes: painting, sculpture making, ceramics, design and calligraphy, theatre, film acting, music and handcraft.

The Academy was established to offer creative expertise to the Arab community, especially to the young people who have talents and want to develop them; in the meantime, we aim to teach them about the Arabic heritage and the traditions of fine art. The academy is founded to be the first Arab institution in the UK and Europe which incorporates all fine arts teachings with Arab traditions and heritage.

The Academy’s mission and goals:

1. The Academy’s project is an enlightening project as it calls for Arab culture, art and heritage to be part of the cultural and artistic movement in Britain. This is due to the means of expressing fine art in all areas of human creativity.

2. Young people from the Arab community who live in Britain and may be cut off from training and rehabilitation workshops and technical experiences, including theatrical, cinematic, plastic and media, to be qualified in their specializations.

3. Connecting the Arab youth and the new Arab generations who were born in the diaspora, linking them to their great and ancient heritage through the Academy’s artistic and educational programs, activities and projects related to Arab art and heritage.

4. Introducing Arab art and heritage and building bridges of cooperation with British institutions and the British community for cultural and knowledge exchange.

The specializations that the academy contains are:
Department of Fine Arts: drawing - Arabic calligraphy - ceramics - carving - design and print design - interior design - handicrafts - drawing on glass - artistic weaving.
Theatrical arts department: theatrical directing - theatrical acting.
Department of Cinematic Arts: Film making - Film acting - Film and video editing - Screenwriting.
Media Department - TV Presenter Course - Reporter Course.
Department of Music: a course for teaching musical instruments (teaching lute - piano - violin - Qanon)


المؤسسين والأدارة

Founders and Directors

الفنان التشكيلي : باسم مهدي


General Manager

المدير العام للأكاديمية


المخرجة والكاتبة: زينب الجواري


Executive Manager

المدير التنفيذي للأكاديمية


Our team